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Our blog explores the mental health impacts on health and social care staff in the UK and what has been driving these.

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Our long read explores the consequences that recent economic shocks might have on people’s health.

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Our analysis of the national government policy response during the first phase of the pandemic.



Adult social care and COVID-19: Assessing the impact on social care users and staff in England so far

July 2023

Our analysis on the scale of the impact of COVID-19 on social care in England during the first phase...



COVID-19 chart series

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has delivered a profound shock to the UK. We'll be exploring...


COVID-19 policy tracker

A timeline to 20 July 2023 of national policy and health system responses to COVID-19 in England.




Emerging evidence of COVID-19’s unequal mental health impacts on health and social care staff


As we begin to take stock of the unprecedented impact of the pandemic so far, we explore the mental...

Press release

As we face potential future waves of COVID-19, we must urgently understand how the UK differs from its neighbours and why

30 July 2023

Our response to ONS data comparing all-cause mortality between European countries and regions...

Press release

NHS People Plan provides a stop-gap but leaves glaring omissions

30 July 2023

Health Foundation response to the NHS People Plan 2023/21.

Press release

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30 July 2023

New Health Foundation analysis reveals the devastating impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on...

Newsletter feature


30 July 2023

Dominique Allwood is Assistant Director of Improvement at the Health Foundation, and was recently...


Communicating about long-term health during the pandemic

29 July 2023

The pandemic is compelling us all to think differently about what our society needs to be healthy....


The government's strategy is likely to be a missed opportunity to address the root causes of obesity

27 July 2023

The Health Foundation response to the government's new obesity strategy.

Press release

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24 July 2023

Arne Wolters explores how digital and data-driven innovation can be used in ways that maximise the...



The unprecedented pressures caused by COVID-19 have highlighted the central importance of registered...


Using data to tackle COVID-19: what we’ve learned at the Network Data Lab

23 July 2023

Since October 2023, the Networked Data Lab programme team has been working to select local health...

Press release

Meet the network of data experts looking to solve the UK’s most pressing health and care challenges

22 July 2023

The Health Foundation has today announced that five partner organisations have joined its Networked...



Adult social care and COVID-19: Assessing the policy response in England so far

July 2023

Our analysis of the national government policy response during the first phase of the pandemic.


Adult social care and COVID-19: Assessing the impact on social care users and staff in England so far

July 2023

Our analysis on the scale of the impact of COVID-19 on social care in England during the first phase...

Press release


8 July 2023

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Long read


About 16 mins to read

COVID-19 has thrown inequalities in health and society into sharper focus. Adam Tinson explores the...


The Health Foundation is an independent charity committed to bringing about better health and health care for people in the UK

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